Stress is Everywhere — And It’s Not Going Away Anytime Soon
Stress has been a part of our lives for years, and it’s only gotten more intense recently. Studies show that 70-80% of people experience physical or emotional symptoms from stress, and almost one in five adults deals with anxiety at any given time.
This didn’t start with the pandemic, though. We've all been juggling more than ever — balancing work, family, and personal expectations. On top of that, we’re constantly bombarded by news, social media, and notifications. It’s no wonder we feel overwhelmed.
And the world today doesn’t help. From climate change to political division to financial stress, there’s always something to worry about. Add in the fact that we see everyone’s “highlight reel” online, and it can feel like there’s no room to breathe.
Coffee: Comforting, But Sometimes Stressful
When things get tough, many of us reach for a cup of coffee. There’s something about holding that warm mug and sipping the rich, aromatic brew that feels like a small moment of peace. In fact, studies show that people drink 40% more coffee during high-stress weeks.
But, here’s the catch — coffee can actually make stress worse.
Why Caffeinated Coffee Can Add to the Stress
We’ve all felt it — that jittery, anxious feeling after too much coffee. But why does caffeine do that?
It has to do with two stress hormones: cortisol and adrenaline. Both are released when we’re stressed, and caffeine triggers them, too. When you’re already stressed, adding caffeine into the mix can send your body into overdrive, making you feel even more anxious.
If you already deal with anxiety, caffeine can make it worse. Studies show that 71% of people with anxiety feel their symptoms get worse with caffeine, leading to things like nervousness, nausea, and even panic attacks.
Caffeine and Sleep: Not a Great Combo
Good sleep is one of the most important components of all around good health. Dr. Michael Twery, a sleep expert at the National Institute for Health explains “Sleep affects almost every tissue in our bodies. It affects growth and stress hormones, our immune system, appetite, breathing, blood pressure and cardiovascular health.” High quality sleep is linked to a stronger immune system, a better mood, and a healthier heart.
Even more importantly, quality sleep helps us cope with stress.
Sleep Expert Matthew Walker says caffeine interrupts Deep Sleep
My Story: How I Realized Coffee Was Making My Stress Worse
A couple years ago, I experienced a perfect storm of stress. I was working on a stressful work project that required extremely long hours, when my father was diagnosed with cancer. On top of this, my long-distance boyfriend had just left his job and home to move in with me in Chicago. What I had hoped would be an exciting time of rapid learning at work and exploring whether my boyfriend and I were in it for the long haul, quickly became a period of intense stress. I didn’t have enough mental or emotional bandwidth for my job, my parents and my partner. I wanted to be my best self at work and be there emotionally and physically for the people I love. I found that not being able to fully be there on all fronts was even more stressful.
And the final blow was when I realized that the caffeine in the coffee that I loved was amplifying my feelings of stress. I literally went days without sleeping and would regularly feel my blood anxiously pulsing through my veins and my heart beating faster than normal. After a few mornings of wondering whether I had actually slept, or just dozed the night before, it was time for me to give up caffeine for a while.
Try decaf and half caf to reduce feelings of anxiety
For many people, myself included, switching to half caf or decaf helps manage stress and anxiety, especially during extra stressful times. It is a great way to enjoy the taste and ritual of coffee, but not contribute to elevated levels of anxiousness. Science has shown that lower doses of caffeine prompt lower stress responses in our bodies.
When you find yourself stressed during this period of uncertainty, try switching up your fully caffeinated coffee for a half caf in the morning or introduce a craft decaf into your afternoon coffee break.
Savorista: Coffee That Supports Your Well-Being
After making it through the stressful period I mentioned, I didn’t want myself or others to choose between feeling their best and enjoying coffee that they love. I started Savorista, a caffeine conscious coffee company that specializes in delicious half caf and craft decaf coffee. We have a wide variety of delicious, freshly roasted coffees that we mail out fresh for those coffee lovers who are intentional about their caffeine.